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Volunteer Testimonies

Jamie Kelenski -


"So the fact of the matter with Christine is that I have had the biggest blessing of all.  I have learned so much through this experience. I look so forward to going to Christine's house, listening to her stories, watching her amazing talents and hobbies unfold as she talks to us about moving this and that and I see what an interesting and valuable life she has.   Christine has brought me closer to the realization that love isn't love until you give it away.  This experience has helped me to see John in a whole different way.  It has truly changed my life.  I will continue my friendship with Christine as I love her."


Barbara Roller -


"I will miss Mack & Millie so much while I am away on vacation.  I am so thankful for the opportunity to get to know them and spend time with them.  They are a beautiful example of what a life lived for the Lord looks like, and it has been so good for my grandson Michael to see that first hand. I joined this group wanting the opportunity to help others in the community and ended up being blessed beyond measure by this very special couple. I can't wait to get back home and get started again."


Tina Grimes Denton -

"Moved to SWFL 3 years ago from Nashville Tennessee.  I was looking for a place to "fit in" here as I knew no one... it took a few months but God surely knew my needs when he placed me with a church family and the volunteers of S.A.L.T. ... instead of "fitting in" He put me exactly where I BELONG!!
I have been and continue to be incredibly blessed by the relationships built through both S.A.L.T. and S.Y.N.S."

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